I knew it!


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Poor (Failure)

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Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Lazyitus or am I just a slow person?

I am off work for today and tomorrow, as I only work 3 days per week when I am not studying. I have just realised that it is close to 4pm and all I have achieved today is umm...
  1. Ordered an ink cartridge and spent an hour plus deciding what else I should purchase from Amazon to make up the free delivery. So in actual fact the print cartridge cost me £20, when I could have bought it from Smiths for £10. Oops. (I bought Sew Pretty Projects)
  2. Dyed my hair.
  3. Cleaned the bathroom. Only because I got hair dye on the walls. Oops.
  4. Phoned the mechanic to fix my car and made an appointment for tomorrow, which he could of done today, but I didn't want to have to put my make up on and actually find clothes that match.
  5. Washed the dishes. Decided it was better than boyfriend rolling eyes at me for doing now't.

I wish there was a 6th item, but I think that I am just incredibly lazy or incredibly slow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neither :o) you're just doing things at your own pace & that's ok! But I do know how you feel, because I ask myself the same question. Here's to productivity!
