I knew it!


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Poor (Failure)

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Friday, 11 July 2008

Gluten free biscuits for tomorrows street party

Today I have been slaving away at home. And it has been very pleasurable. I have made no less than 12 meters of red polka dot bunting and several batches of gluten free biscuits. We are having a street party tomorrow and I will be decorating the front of my flat (were only 3 stories high and im on the top) and helping out with any other odd jobs round the street. Im really looking forward to it, ill post some pictures tomorrow so you can see my efforts!

Gluten free biscuits

175g plain gluten free flour
50g caster sugar
110g butter
1/2 teaspoon of xanthum gum (this is the secret, and is what sticks the flour together in lou of gluten!)
dash of vanilla essence
chocolate chip cookies or a liberal dollop of bright pink icing!
10-12 mins in the over at 180 (takes a bit longer than normal biscuits)

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